1) Isogamous sexual reproduction in algae- Ulothrix (flagellated)
Spirogyra (non-flagellated)

2) Anisogamous sexual reproduction in algae- Udorina

3) Oogamous sexual reproduction in algae- Volvox, Fucus

4) Algin- Brown Algae

5) Carragreen - Red Algae

6) Agar- Gelidium, Gracilaria
(Red algae)

7) Motile asexual spores in algae- Zoospores

8) Laminarin, Mannitol- stored food of Brown algae (complex carbohydrate) 

9) Fucoxanthin- Brown Algae

10) Phycoerythrin- Red Algae

11) Floridean Starch Found in Red algae, similar to amylopectin and glycogen

12) The main plant body is a gametophyte- Bryophytes

13) Peat- Sphagnum

14) In liverworts - asexual reproduction by fragmentation or by gemmae (green, multicellular, asexual buds) formation 

15) In mosses - asexual reproduction by fragmentation & budding in 2° protonema

16) Microphylls- Selaginella

17) Macrophylls- Fern

18) Heterosporous pteridophytes- Selaginella, 
Salvinia, Azolla, Marsilea

19) Vascular plants without seeds- Pteridophytes
20) Aquatic ferns - Azolla, Salvinia, Marsilea

21) Mycorrhiza- Pinus
(symbiotic association with fungi in the roots)

22) Coralloid roots- Cycas
(nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria in the roots)

23) The tallest gymnosperm- Sequoia (redwood tree)

24) Pinus - Winged shape pollen grain, Monoecious 

25) Ginkgo - Living fossil 

26) Microscopic angiosperm Wolffia

27) Parallel venation- mostly in Monocotyledons

28) Reticulate venation- Mostly in Dicotyledons

29) The cells of embryo sac are- Haploid

30) Algae showing haplo-diplontic life cycle- Ectocarpus, Polysiphonia, kelps

31) Diplontic life cycle - Fucus
32) Zygotic meiosis - Haplontic life cycle

33) Chlorella - Unicellular alga, protein rich

34) Porphyra, Laminaria and Sargassum - marine algae, used as food

35) Laminaria - Good source of Iodine

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